Headliner lessons

lifeisaprettyword.com blog; Photo by Ben Cliff on Unsplash

CITY TAKES AIM AT DERELICT BOATS was the headline in our small town monthly. You may feel sorry the boat fell on hard times. You could speculate on what the boat did wrong. Or you might be curious about the myriad ways we skirt social or community issues.  Beat around the rocks as it were. 

If we aim at the boat, do we minimize the vessel owner's dereliction of their marine responsibilities? Is it merely the editors' headline tactic to get attention or are they preventing offense by labeling inanimate objects rather than people?

When we're trying to make a point, how do we balance diplomacy with truthfulness? If we soften the accusation, do we care less or more? 

When I use discretion in daily life, am I doing better because now I know better (as Maya Angelou teaches us) or am I better at caring? 


Monica Sword

Monica Sword is an aspiring author and artist living a deeply heartfelt life. Following the early death of three family members, including her daughter, she struggled to balance home and work life. Once she discovered how to apply her conscientious and high-achieving personality to honor her passions, be mindful of her emotional reactions and focus on self-care, she developed a creative mindset that produces her most meaningful life work. On her website, lifeisaprettyword.com, Monica inspires and encourages others to honor their heart and soul in mindful ways.